ASL Tutor
Every individual's learning needs are different and so are their grasping skills and retention. Learn/practice at your own pace from the comfort of your own home.
Most individuals who struggle lack the basic knowledge of the d/Deaf community and culture. Get more attention to master the basics of communicating in sign. Learn more in lesser time.
You can call the shots and have the flexibility to learn beyond the current confines of the classroom. Learn at a time and place when it is convenient for you. The sessions can be flexible in terms of timing.

Who is Antonietta?
"She is a whole hearted individual for sure!"
Growing up on the countryside in the middle of no where, Antonietta suffered from a disease which caused her to have bilateral severe to profound hearing loss at 3 months old. She also did not speak until she was two. As she mumbled her words and no one could understand her, she started learning ASL with a private teacher for the Deaf. Growing up with sign and oral, she eventually learned English as her second language.
She has tutored with many different ages and learning styles. She empowers the student to recall material, helps with ASL homework, plays ASL games, sign stories or just simply having a conversation in sign to practice reception and skills.
Happy Signing!
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